MUSIC 2021. 10. 14. 21:42





작사: 스기야마 유이치

작곡: 키노시타 아키히토




ぎゆく 時間谷間

스기유쿠 토키노타니마니

흘러버린 시간의 틈새에



토기레토기레니 토도쿠사케비코에가

드문드문 들려오는 절규의 목소리


えゆく 生命意味

키에유쿠 이노치노이미오

사라져버린 생명의 의미를


みしめながら をからして

카미시메나가라 코에오카라시테

곱씹으며 목이 쉬도록


めく 記憶

키라메쿠 키오쿠가 요미가에루

반짝이던 기억이 되살아난다


らぬ えてゆく

카에라누 나미다토 키에테유쿠 유메

돌아오지 못할 눈물과 사라져가는 꿈



もが して

다레모가 이키오 코로시테

모두가 숨을 죽여



나가스나미다니 코토바모키에삿테

흐르는 눈물에 할말조차 잃어버리고


した てのものに

아이시타 스베테노모노니

사랑하던 모든 것에


れをげて ざかる

와카레오츠게테 토오자카루 토키

작별을 고하고 멀어지던 순간


츠라누쿠히카리니 나니오미루

꿰뚫는 빛에 무엇이 보이는가


しき 過去

카가야키 마타타쿠 카나시키 카코노유메

찬란하며 반짝거리던 서러운 과거의 꿈


もかもが れた へと

니나모카모가 이마와 쿠즈레타 마치노나카에토

세상모든게 이제는 무너져버린 거리 속으로


えず れる

나니모미에즈 히토와 나가레루 토키노나카

아무것도 보지못한 채 인류는 흘러가는 시간 속으로



츠라누쿠히카리니 나니오미루

꿰뚫는 빛에 무엇이 보이는가


しき 過去

카가야키 마타타쿠 카나시키 카코노유메

찬란하며 반짝거리던 서러운 과거의 꿈


もかもが れた へと

니나모카모가 이마와 쿠즈레타 마치노나카에토

세상모든게 이제는 무너져버린 거리 속으로


えず れる

나니모미에즈 히토와 나가레루 토키노나카

아무것도 보지못한 채 인류는 흘러가는 시간 속에








보컬 - 시모야마 타케노리

기타 - 키노시타 아키히토

드럼 - 이소다 요시오

베이스 - 산페이 토모히로



Posted by M. Salgado

야마구치 히로유키가 부른 원곡버전

현재 보컬인 시모야마 타케노리 버전


SABER TIGER - ある去りがたき心に

작사: 야마구치 히로유키, 스기야마 유이치
작곡: 키노시타 아키히토


思い出 抱き締め
오모이데 다키시메
추억을 안고 있는

그대의 눈동자에

絡めた 体も
카라메타 카라다모
얽혀있는 몸도

저편으로 흘려보내

抱き合う 悲しみに
다키아우 카나시미니
부둥켜안은 슬픔에

涙が 揺れて
나미다가 유레테
눈물은 흔들리고

愛した 時さえ
아이시타 토키사에
사랑했던 시간마저

눈망울 위에 되살아나고

届かぬ 思いが
토도카누 오모이가
닿을 수 없는 마음만이

눈물을 닦은 채

寄り添う 胸だけが
요리소우 무네다케가
다가온 가슴만이

슬프게 흔들려


그대를 안아주고있었어

할 수만 있다면

取り戻したい 心
토리모도시타이 코코로
되돌리고 싶은 이 마음

My girl, Don’t go away
Tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight

My girl, Don’t go away
Tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight

네 목소리조차도

心さえも 揺らめく
코코로사에모 유라메쿠
마음조차도 흔들리고

할 수만 있다면

取り戻したい 心
토리모도시타이 코코로
되돌리고 싶은 그 마음

My girl, Don’t go away
Tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight

My girl, Don’t go away
Tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight

My girl, Don’t go away
Tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight

My girl, Don’t go away
Tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight

누군가가 지금 스쳐지나가

말을 걸 일조차도 없이

정처 없이 걷는 그 앞에

기다리는 사람 따윈 아무도...


Posted by M. Salgado


MUSIC 2019. 11. 23. 16:33



Ah 見つめるものさえ 
Ah 미츠메루모노사에
Ah 바라보는 것조차

Ah 今は信じられず
Ah 이마와신지라레즈
Ah 이젠 믿을 수 없고

過ぎ行く時さえ 色褪せてゆく 
스기유쿠토키사에 이로아세테유쿠
지나간 시간조차 색이 바라가고

幼い記憶も 闇の中へ 
오사나이기오쿠모 야미노나카에
어린 기억마저 어둠 속으로

Ah あてなく彷徨い
Ah 아테나쿠사마요이
Ah 정처 없이 방황하네

Ah すべて去りゆくだろう 
Ah 스베테사리유쿠다로오
Ah 모두가 떠나버리겠지

行き場をなくした オレの心 
유키바오나쿠시타 오레노코코로
갈 곳을 잃은 나의 마음

オマエを愛した 時も今は 
오마에오아이시타 토키모이마와
너를 사랑했던 시간도 이젠

この身を焼き尽くす 愛など夢
코노미오야키츠쿠스 아이나도유메
이 몸을 불태워가는 사랑 따윈 꿈

この身を焼き尽くす 愛など夢

코노미오야키츠쿠스 아이나도유메
이 몸을 불태워가는 사랑 따윈 꿈

사랑이 비춰지는 마음을 찾고 있는

붙잡지 못할 환상이여

この身を焼き尽くす 愛など夢
코노미오야키츠쿠스 아이나도유메
이 몸을 불태워가는 사랑 따윈 꿈

この身を焼き尽くす 愛など夢
코노미오야키츠쿠스 아이나도유메
이 몸을 불태워가는 사랑 따윈 꿈


Posted by M. Salgado

SABER TIGER – Eternal Loop (Blue)


The rain stays day after day

I feel like I have been left behind

At the end of the world

I can't get away from this hallucination

Destruction is the first thing I learned in my life

That's all that I learned, I thought that it's natural thing to do

Because the people around me tried to break me,

I broke the people around me instead

The more time passes, the greater my loneliness grows

To forget about that, I learned to build

But my hands had gotten used to destruction,

My works were so weak...

Betrayal, lies, violence and destruction

Once I picked those up, I was not be able to be innocent again

Ah, experiences cuts my mind

Soaks into as if making a gentle water ring

Pain changes into fear

And again I will break the people around me

In the darkness wriggling in his mind

Human wants to resist the impulse

Beast wants to let it go

They always fight between them

Betrayal, lies, violence and destruction

Once I picked those up, I was not be able to be innocent again

Ah, experiences cuts my mind

Soaks into as if making a gentle water ring

Pain changes into fear,

And again I will break the people around me

Ah, experiences cuts my mind

Soaks into as if making a gentle water ring

Pain changes into fear,

And again this has become a never ending eternal loop...


Posted by M. Salgado

SABER TIGER – Eternal Loop (Red)


Once I stop, the ground sinks under my feet

I've chosen the muddy path somehow

How silly of me, I sneer at myself

I'm not living alone

But my wounds have gotten worse instead of better

I've become good at clinging to people

How much more pain do I have to swallow

Before I can understand the truth?

So many times I've tasted

The bitterness of living with hate and spite

How many times have I encountered inflexibility and obstinacy?

What I'm asked for is always what I don't have

What I cannot give, ask for is what nobody has

I cannot live without hurting others

I cannot atone my sins if I'm dead

I hurt people, still I'm living on...

Even though I destroy everything,

I can't become innocent again

Darkness looks for void to fill, calls for spirits

Over there, I hear the soft voice of a woman

I cannot live without hurting others

I cannot atone my sins if I'm dead

I cannot live without hurting others

I cannot atone my sins if I'm dead

I hurt people, still I'm living on...

How much more pain do I have to swallow

Before I can understand the truth?

What I'm asked for is always what I don't have

What I cannot give, ask for is what nobody has

I cannot atone my sins if I'm dead

I hurt people, still I'm living on...


Posted by M. Salgado


SABER TIGER – Eternal Loop (Clear)




I get up again... with my wounded body.

Tomorrow's the only way to go.

"Palms are for loving", that's what I was told.

I squeezed and hid my fists for love to live, for love to live.


The true meaning of why I'm not leaving alone,

I realize in a chain of breaths that has been handed down.

I hoped to live in a pure future,

emination that I am battling earnestly.


Repeated destruction and sins,

If that's the fate of the human race,

I will grab tomorrow with only my hands...

And cut the ring!


Even if I can't deal with my long, long life,

I don't want to mistake the place to live

for the place to death. No matter what...


Repeated destruction and sins,

If that's the fate of the human race,

I will grab tomorrow with only my hands...

And cut the ring!


Even if I can't deal with my long, long life,

I don't want to mistake the place to live

for the place to death. No matter what...


With the strength of stepping out,

from the closed eternal loop,

I will spread my weak wings 

until my heart's content.


I can't help myself dreaming the same dream.

No matter how much pain, 

how much pain I've got! I've got! I've got!!

No matter how much, no matter how much

I've lost in deep darkness!

I have my future in hand.

Go forward from now on.


In a spiral woodland, 

tomorrow never comes by screaming.

Despair won't get me heard anything.

There weren't any stars to the sky, anywhere.

People sowed hopes in the hearts.

The time, you have spent wasn't wasted.

There will be someone waiting for you, 

until then, I hope you live precious life.


In spite of looking back hangs heavy upon me.

I won't blame myself anymore.

While I've been feeling people's pain,

I've been hurt enough already.


Let me catch dropping tears on my palm.

And I will keep watching forever.

When the tears dry out by gentle light.

I should see my hope...



Posted by M. Salgado